A plea to any readers?
I have to write a short paragraph or so bio about myself as a writer, geek, and comic book lover. And I have no idea what to write. Anybody who actually reads this and knows me can help. Please?!
I’m still fighting a mental block, I find it difficult to focus my mind on creativity. I have a friend who wrote something similar on his site the other day. Are the drugs we use as prescribed by doctors dulling our creativity. Hmm, it feels like it to me. I used to dream up stories […]
Okay, I needed to see this today…
PowellsBooks.Blog – Contributors – Paul Madonna: A Graphic Blog. I hope it helps somebody else as much as it did me. Keep believing.
Just going to write something here. The weekend was okay. Not great, I got new crutches so I’m all blingy and super quiet. Like a sparkling ninja. No, not a vampire, though, that might be cool too. God knows I could generate the angst for it. Anyway, I was busy most of Saturday and have […]
This Saturday….
is the 10th Anniversary of Free Comic Book Day. This has been a public service announcement. We now return you to your day already in progress.
Wizard World Recap
It was a long weekend for us at Wizard World Anaheim. Friday night seemed to actually be busier than usual. Sales seemed like they were up this year, woohoo! I met a lot of great people, including Jason Metcalf and his wife, Richard Herd, Ernie Hudson, and the Avellan Twins. In all, a pretty good […]
Visit www.rosepressey.com …
and get a chance to win an iPad 2. Details here…
Busy Weekend
I’m off to The LA Forum for the Welcome 2 America show. Then home to the desert and back to Long Beach on Saturday for the Long Beach Comic Expo. It’ll be a busy couple of days, but I’m looking forward to it. Much better than sitting in the desert, bored all day long. A […]
They’re like my children…
I’m sure you’ve heard it before from artist type people. That the things the create whether it be music, films, stories, or whatever, they always say things like “My creations are like my children.” It turns out, for me at least, it’s a somewhat a true statement. I’m finding hard to edit, change, or cut […]
A better video…
Too short, but oh well… Okay, shutting up about it now!