Phoenix Comicon 2011

Posted by Tony on May 31, 2011 in Art, Fun and Friends |

We had a blast at the Phoenix Comicon. Thanks to everyone that stopped by our booth.

Friday was a little rough for us, since we made it to Phoenix at 4:30am that morning to be at the show at 10:00am. Traffic in San Bernardino on the I-215 was a nightmare due to construction. Even at 12:30 at night the traffic was bumper to bumper for miles on surface streets because of the detour. Whoever plan this work needs to be publicly flogged. We traveled in a circle for an hour because the signs were confusing and INACCURATE!

So we finally made it to our little hotel in Phoenix, America’s Best Value Inn. A small place with newly remodeled rooms, flat screen TVs, and free wi-fi that was actually fast as advertised. The bathroom was a little small and difficult for me to navigate, but that’s a minor inconvenience. The place was cheap and clean.

One of the nuisances of big cities is the abundance of one-way streets. They’re a navigational hindrance. It took us at least a day to figure them out well enough to know how to get to the convention. But it’s also difficult to explain directions to someone over the phone. This was partly due to the streets on going one way and partly due to the poor naming of streets on the grid. North/South streets are numbered, with the city bisected by Central Avenue. Streets to the North of Central are Streets (1st, 2nd, 3rd Street, etc.) Street to the South are labeled as Avenues (1st, 2nd, 3rd Avenue, etc.) The cross streets were U.S. Presidents, a little easier.

At the con we got a great corner booth. Are neighbor to the right was Sarah Clemens. A really great fantasy art painter with tons of talent (this is me wishing I could paint half a good). Good table neighbors are hard to find and Sarah and friends were the best. The company across the aisle to our left was a clear demonstration of this. They promoted video games, at ear-splitting decibel. Kudos to Phoenix Comicon for politely asking them several times to turn it down. My ears are still ringing.

The people at Phoenix are alway nice, thank you to the fans of Pepe’s work, he works very hard and I know he appreciates your support. We had a great time and are already looking forward to next year. The pictures I took of the great costumes are here.

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