Rough couple of days

Posted by Tony on March 24, 2011 in Life, Work |

My depression and anxiety have been at full throttle for the last 3 days. I’m annoyed that nothing seems to work very well at keeping me level. The meds I’m on seem to be less effective during times like this.

I was feeling pretty good while working on the site redesign for Sailor Jim. Now I’m just feeling like I should be doing something, but I have no idea what exactly. I think that is a big part of my problem. I’m not feeling like I’m contributing to anything worthwhile. Does that make sense? I’m not sure.

An online acquaintance posted and video about an author who has had success publishing her books as e-books. It was interesting, last week I was reading articles about the same girl. I was researching alternative publishing ideas for another friend. I had the thought that maybe I should try to do the same thing with some of my writings.

I’ve been asked to be an editor on a new project that is coming out soon. I’m excited about that. I’ve also been talking to my colleagues about writing for future installments of the project. I’ve been told I will be doing that. It’s just a matter of all of us having the time to collaborate. I have plenty of time, my friends do not. I will write more about this venture in the future when I have more details.

I’m also psyched for the comic convention season to start. I always have fun at the conventions. Even though at the time they occur I always feel anxious and unsure. I end up having a great time. I always enjoy seeing friends and some of the great cosplay folks.

Looking at options to change my living situation. I’m tired of being stuck out here in the middle of nowhere with no access to any companies or jobs. I applied for a couple of jobs in Hollywood and I’m hoping to hear something one way or the other on those.

I was invited to a business festival on Saturday. I was unaware that the invite cost money though. So I’m not sure if I will be doing that or not. I had hoped to make a few contacts through networking there. I’m still hopeful.

On another business note. I decided to start trying to do some eBay sales again. Now I just need stuff to sell. I think most of my belongings in New York have been liquidated. I’m thinking of attending an eBay sales seminar in Las Vegas next month it’s not that expensive, so maybe.

So what do I have to feel depressed and anxious about? Not much I think. I’m pretty sure it’s just circumstances that I need to find a way to either change or cope with better. Writing about it here has helped me put it in perspective and motivate me to do something about it.


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