
Posted by Tony on June 6, 2011 in Life, Work, Writing |

I’ve spent the last few weeks working on an outline for a novel. The more I work on it the more I think it may turn into a series of books. It’s getting long and involved. Which is fine, but the more notes I make the more confusing it gets. I like to write notes out in longhand in notebooks dedicated to the project.

I’ve looked at the way a few other author do outlining. My process isn’t all that different, but it seems to be a little more detailed than most of the outlines I’ve seen. I did some research and came up with Scrivener from Literature and Latte. I really like the design and the features. I like that you can develop an outline, store all your research and story notes in one place. I like that the output can be formatted to other programs or even rendered usable for Kindle submission and others. The biggest obstacle for me is the $45 price tag. While I do think the program is worth that price, I can’t justify it for myself right now. Maybe later, for not I’m trying out the 30 day demo. They have one of the best demo policies I’ve seen yet. If I only use the program for 5 hours the first day then the next time I open the program I have 23 hours and 19 hours left, no matter when I open it. So I get a true 30 days of use out of it. That’s pretty cool.

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