Yoda Through the Years
Geek Tyrant had an article posting clips of Yoda as seen over the years of the Star Wars films. It also had my favorite Yoda scene from The Empire Strikes Back. Enjoy!
The Worst Couple in the Universe
Subscribe to OneMinuteGalactica on Youtube. It’s always great.
Vader’s Day Off
Full page is here. see more Lol Celebs
Lightsaber Dueling Robots
Just thought this was cool.
Happy Star Wars Day
New Star Wars Blu-Ray info is here.
Taste The Dark Side!
Actually, not real but a great idea. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Lucas will allow ThinkGeek to make them. It’s not impossible, I still want a Tauntaun Sleeping Bag.
I really want to go see this…
Star Wars at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle. More picture at Geek Tyrant. I also want to go see Star Wars in Concert, but the money is just more than I can afford to spend right now. Damn economy.