Posted by Tony on September 25, 2011 in Blah, Life |

Not sure what to title this post. I haven’t written much of anything worthwhile lately. My heart just hasn’t been in it. I’ve felt lonely and let down. As a result my productivity has sucked. I’m resigned to this just being how it is right now. I’m not sure how to fix things that are […]

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Rude People Suck!

Posted by Tony on June 3, 2011 in Misc, Rants |

There is no call to be rude to someone just the sake of being rude. Tolerance people, tolerance.

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Job Seeking

Posted by Tony on March 18, 2009 in Life, Rants, Work |

Nobody reads this site but I’m going rant anyway. I’ve been seeking work since August of 2008. As the economy has crashed I have watched job opportunities dwindle from 60 to 90 a week to a dozen on a good week. I sit here doing odd jobs for people to make spending money. I read […]

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