A message to the out of touch politicians

Posted by Tony on April 30, 2012 in Politics, Rants, Thoughts |

A fellow writer friend of mine posted this today on Twitter. It’s an article by Stephen King that addresses the unfairness of our governments tax policy. King always seems to be able to put things in a way that makes me say “Damn, I wish I could’ve said that.” Enjoy, disagree, discuss…? Stephen King: Tax […]

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Rude People Suck!

Posted by Tony on June 3, 2011 in Misc, Rants |

There is no call to be rude to someone just the sake of being rude. Tolerance people, tolerance.

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Posted by Tony on April 18, 2011 in Life, Rants, Site Stuff, Whining, Work |

I decided to move some work related files off my web host and onto my laptop. I need to start building things locally. I don’t like using my personal resources for these types of job. It was necessary in this instance though. Let me just say one thing…my Internet provider sucks. Being stuck out here […]

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Capital One Sucks!

Posted by Tony on April 1, 2011 in Advocacy, My Two Cents, Politics, Rants, Thoughts |

Today started off bad and just got worse. As I said before I woke with depression and anxiety already running rampant in my body. I kept thinking “Okay, just relax, things are not that bad.” But then I proceeded to pay my bills. This sent me on a roller coaster journey. I logged in to […]

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Not the first, but…

Posted by Tony on March 30, 2011 in Funny, Rants, Tribute |

I was watching Star Trek (The Original Series) last night. It was the episode “The Enemy Within”. You know, the episode where there is a transporter accident and Kirk (and a poorly costumed alien dog) are split into two separate versions of themselves. One is weepy, weak, and uncertain of himself. The other is the […]

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Job Seeking

Posted by Tony on March 18, 2009 in Life, Rants, Work |

Nobody reads this site but I’m going rant anyway. I’ve been seeking work since August of 2008. As the economy has crashed I have watched job opportunities dwindle from 60 to 90 a week to a dozen on a good week. I sit here doing odd jobs for people to make spending money. I read […]

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