New workflow
I got the new Apple Pencil and I’m using it to hand write my blog posts. Feels a little awkward at first, but I like that I can scratch out new posts as if on paper, which I really like. I love the feel of handwriting my thoughts, the scratch of ink pen on paper. […]
Not wanting to update WordPress to Gutenberg!
It’s Been A Long Strange Trip
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 16 years since I started this site. It had more of a purpose when I first put it together. It was a place that my fiancé and I posted stories of our life. Those posts are mostly hidden right now and you won’t find them here. I don’t […]
A Query
A question, if you’re reading this, I’d love to know what you would like to see on this page? I don’t have much going on in my life, but I want to resurrect this site and try to keep it up. And I’d like it to have more content than just fun stuff and links. […]
Reworking my resume
I like the design of my new resume site, reworking the text a little though. Any pointers are appreciated.
Sort of…moved my site to the root of
Site purge
Going to be purging some stuff from this site that is no longer a part of my life. Difficult decision, but necessary I think. Any thoughts from ghosts who read this page are welcome and will be taken under consideration. The process is likely to take a while.
I decided to move some work related files off my web host and onto my laptop. I need to start building things locally. I don’t like using my personal resources for these types of job. It was necessary in this instance though. Let me just say one thing…my Internet provider sucks. Being stuck out here […]