Grateful 2019

Posted by Tony on January 6, 2019 in Art, Family, Life, The Future, Thoughts, Writing |

Starting 2019 with feeling grateful for the things I have in life. Nothing seems to go right, but I am thankful for family and friends, my dog Georgie, and that I have a place to lay my head at night. I’m grateful that I get to spend mornings with my grandma having toast and coffee. […]

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It’s Been A Long Strange Trip

Posted by Tony on June 26, 2018 in Fun and Friends, Life, Site Stuff, Thoughts, Writing |

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 16 years since I started this site. It had more of a purpose when I first put it together. It was a place that my fiancé and I posted stories of our life. Those posts are mostly hidden right now and you won’t find them here. I don’t […]

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Life Update

Posted by Tony on June 10, 2018 in Blah, Life, Mental Health, Work |

It’s been a while since I put a real post on these pages concerning my life. Mostly I guess because I felt I didn’t have much to say. I’ve been battling depression and anxiety for most of my life and lately it’s been a real struggle to stay motivated. In order to keep moving forward […]

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Come See Us This Saturday

Posted by Tony on May 3, 2017 in Art, Fun and Friends, Links |

On Saturday from 11am to 4pm I will be with Pepe Melan at 4 Color Fantasies in Rancho Cucamonga. Come down and see us!

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Posted by Tony on October 17, 2012 in Advocacy, Cool, Cool Stuff, Family, Fun and Friends, Life |

A great story about inclusiveness. My first-cousin Milo and his daddy are a part of it. Link to the article

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Being Thankful

Posted by Tony on September 21, 2012 in Family, Life, Thoughts, Writing |

I’m going through a lot of emotions lately. Not all of them happy or fun. As I keep trying to put my life back together, sometimes unsuccessfully. Jobs are hard to find, I live in an area outside of the civilized world. Much of the time I am isolated, alone, and lonely. I do my […]

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Happy New Year

Posted by Tony on January 1, 2012 in Family, Fun and Friends, Life, RIP, The Future, Thoughts, Work, Writing |

In all 2011 was pretty good. I have an awesome family, [singlepic id=1057 w=320 h=240 float=center] including a niece who is pretty darn awesome (and she knows it) …and a new cousin. I went to San Diego Comicon for the first time. I went to a Prince concert for the first time in ages. I […]

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Comic Con San Diego 2011 – Recap

Posted by Tony on July 25, 2011 in Cool Stuff, Family, Fun and Friends, Life |

So I’m back from Comic Con. What nightm– adventure. On Wednesday (Preview Night) I got about 20 feet through the doorway when I proceeded to take a spill on the escalator. I was dehydrated, exhausted from a 20 minute walk and I cut my hand in the fall. My blood pressure and heart rate was […]

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Family Awesomeness

Posted by Tony on July 23, 2011 in Family, Fun and Friends, Life |

The incredibly awesome Milo Dean and his mom.

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R.I.P. James “Jimbo” Roberts

Posted by Tony on July 2, 2011 in Family, Life, RIP, Tribute |

[singlepic id=”844″ h=”420″ w=”640″] A great guy, whose humor and friendship will be sorely missed. We had many an adventure back in the day. We stayed in touch over the years. As I was just saying to another friend yesterday, Jim was the kind of friend that you may not talk to every day, we […]

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