Am I Narcisstic Because I Write About my Past?

Posted by Tony on January 26, 2019 @ 1:24 pm
in Life, Links, Mental Health, Writing |


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Wanting More

Posted by Tony on January 24, 2019 in Art, Life, Mental Health, The Future, Writing |

I originally set this blog up in 2001 to be a place to talk about my life and the adventures I would have. I feel it has devolved into a place where I log my depression and anxiety over the life that could have been. While mental health is important and I will try to […]

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Facebook Uses Artificial Intelligence to Help Prevent Suicide But Cannot Tell If It Works

Posted by Tony on January 23, 2019 @ 1:20 pm
in Links, Mental Health |


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High Anxiety

Posted by Tony on January 21, 2019 in Life, Mental Health, Writing |

I’m being successful at writing more often. I started daily meditation. I’ve been feeling better. Then I woke up with anxiety this morning. Not sure what the trigger was, but I am feeling anxiety and depression. Trying my best to focus on the positive changes I have made and not the feelings I have right […]

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Long Term Depression Permanently Changes the Brain

Posted by Tony on January 18, 2019 in Links, Mental Health |


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A Pill for Loneliness

Posted by Tony on January 18, 2019 in Links, Mental Health, Uncategorized |


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Accepting I May Always Suffer From Anxiety

Posted by Tony on January 17, 2019 in Life, Links, Mental Health |


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Taking Mental Health Seriously

Posted by Tony on May 1, 2017 in Life, Links, Mental Health |

This is a fantastic project. I wish they had these rooms at some of the ComicCons I go too. It’s great to see these rooms make a public statement, so many times mental health is swept under the rug or not talked about at all. Take This AFK Rooms

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