Big Wow ComicFest Photos
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Big Wow ComicFest, San Jose
I had a great time seeing friends at Big Wow ComicFest last weekend. San Jose is a beautiful town. I could actually see myself living there. There were not a lot of costumed folks at this show and it was more comic driven than other shows I’ve been at in the past, which is good […]
This made me smile when I really needed it. My cousin Amy, her husband Dan, and their new baby boy, Milo. Wonderful photos. Enjoy.
Snakes…why’d it have to be snakes?
Watch your step around my house.
Happy Star Wars Day
New Star Wars Blu-Ray info is here.
Wizard World Recap
It was a long weekend for us at Wizard World Anaheim. Friday night seemed to actually be busier than usual. Sales seemed like they were up this year, woohoo! I met a lot of great people, including Jason Metcalf and his wife, Richard Herd, Ernie Hudson, and the Avellan Twins. In all, a pretty good […]
Powergirl and me
Me and Powergirl.
Wizard World Day 3
The lovely Elise Avellan and the not so lovely me. * link added