Can’t seem to nail down any job interviews. I also can’t find my art box with all my drawing pencils and tape. Grr, Just want to be creative and not focus on the negatives.
Baby Steps
Made small forward momentum on a goal that I set for myself years ago. No details yet, just exhilarating excitement.
“We must learn that when our art reveals a secret of the human soul, those watching it may try to shame us for making it.”
Excerpt From
The Complete Artist’s Way: Creativity as a Spiritual Practice
Julia Cameron
This material may be protected by copyright.
Wanting More
I originally set this blog up in 2001 to be a place to talk about my life and the adventures I would have. I feel it has devolved into a place where I log my depression and anxiety over the life that could have been.
While mental health is important and I will try to post articles I believe important or interesting, i want more for this site. I will attempt to find that internal voice to tell my story again. I want this place to be a place of life and art that I find or create myself. Not just a place to incessantly whine about what could have been but isn’t. Does that make sense? I hope so.
Weird Dreams
I’ve been having weird dreams lately. Strange dreams of me being in school again, and not knowing which class I’m supposed to be in or where the room is located. Being stranded because someone stole one (just one?) of my crutches. Like I said, weird!
Plus I’m getting phone calls in my dream from a friend that has passed away. I wake up wishing I could call this friend. I hear Jimmy’s laugh in my dream and I wake up missing him. It is a tribute to him that the ting I remember and dream about is his laughter.