A plea to any readers?

Posted by Tony on May 17, 2011 in Life, Work, Writing |

I have to write a short paragraph or so bio about myself as a writer, geek, and comic book lover. And I have no idea what to write. Anybody who actually reads this and knows me can help. Please?!

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Okay, I needed to see this today…

Posted by Tony on May 13, 2011 in Art, Life, Work, Writing |

PowellsBooks.Blog – Contributors – Paul Madonna: A Graphic Blog. I hope it helps somebody else as much as it did me. Keep believing.

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Happy Friggatriskaidekaphobia

Posted by Tony on May 13, 2011 in Misc, My Two Cents |

Yes it’s Friday the 13th. The Witches Sabbath, if you believe the Norse mythology. I find it interesting that it was the Christian coverts who decided that Frigga (the Norse goddess of love and fertility) was a witch. Another source of the superstition created by the extermination of the Knights Templar initiated by the Pope […]

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Posted by Tony on May 2, 2011 in Misc, Thoughts |

Freedom bears no credence when the lack of it’s still being justified. -Maria McKee

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Visit www.rosepressey.com …

Posted by Tony on April 25, 2011 in Misc |

and get a chance to win an iPad 2. Details here…

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Posted by Tony on April 8, 2011 in General, Just Plain Evil, Whining |

I need to pay closer attention while eating. I ate two Jelly Belly – Belly Flops without looking at them. The two flavors mixed came out to a nasty concoction that tasted like bile (isn’t that a Harry Potter thing?). Now that I’ve grossed everyone out my work is done for the evening.

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Allergy Season

Posted by Tony on April 3, 2011 in Blah, Life, Whining |

Ugh. I hate allergies. Everyone in the family is having sinus problems. I’ve spent the day with a sinus headache. It feels like my eyes are going to pop out of my head. Not a fun day. Ever since I’ve returned to the desert my allergies have kicked into high gear every year around this […]

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In my dreams

Posted by Tony on April 1, 2011 in Life, Thoughts, Weird |

Why can’t I have dreams like the one I had the other night? It may have been weird. But at least I woke happy and laughing about it and it put me in a creative mood.

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Sucker Punch

Posted by Tony on March 25, 2011 in My Two Cents, Thoughts |

I really wanted to like Sucker Punch. Visually the movie is interesting, but I’ve seen this style in Snyder’s other films like Watchmen and 300. So it really wasn’t anything new or groundbreaking. I had actually waited for both of these films for rental rather than seeing them in the theater. I probably should have […]

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Rough couple of days

Posted by Tony on March 24, 2011 in Life, Work |

My depression and anxiety have been at full throttle for the last 3 days. I’m annoyed that nothing seems to work very well at keeping me level. The meds I’m on seem to be less effective during times like this. I was feeling pretty good while working on the site redesign for Sailor Jim. Now […]

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