Differences in Writing
I’m noticing that my writing changes when typing here versus handwriting it in a journal. I’m much more descriptive in my journal. It feels more connected, like my soul is pouring on to the page. Three Ways That Handwriting With A Pen Positively Affects Your Brain
Radioactive = No Super Powers
I had my second nuclear stress test today. They pumped me full of radioactive stuff and stressed my heart to take video of how it is functioning. It left me feeling weak and dizzy for the rest of the day. The bummer is, I don’t get super powers. The bonus is, I get fuzzy snuggles […]
Searching for Writing Prompts
Today I wrote in my journal twenty-five journaling prompts. None of them really sparked much. But then I ended up writing 4 pages on journaling and how my topics have changed over the years. I’m no longer searching for a relationship, I had one for over ten years. I don’t need anyone to complete me. […]
A New Year, A New Outlook
Hmmm, what if I actively try to change myself. Try to cut negativity, document my life, my successes, my failures. Going to try to use this site more and more. Try to live life to the fullest, and give up on beating myself up. Let go of the anger I feel towards myself and others. […]
Trying and Failing
Doing my best to keep my life together. I’m still here, so I guess that counts as something. But I’m not happy, and that makes me feel like a failure. Connections that I thought I had made have fallen apart. I’m not smart enough or rich enough I guess. That hurts so much. I may […]
Trying and Failing
Doing my best to keep my life together. I’m still here, so I guess that counts as something. But I’m not happy, and that makes me feel like a failure. Connections that I thought I had made have fallen apart. I’m not smart enough or rich enough I guess. That hurts so much. I may […]
I let my emotions get away from me. Five years of controlled response gone at the first hope of love. I cannot be the person someone needs if I can’t control my feelings. Hard lesson to learn.
I feel numb. The things I thought were real have been yanked away, again. Once again I am working without a net. The universe is cruel to people that don’t deserve it. People who are not bad, but struggle, some days just to survive. I still care, but I’m unable to put things into words […]